How do I get rid of a line in my paint. Wet paint over dried paintcausing a dark line at the overlaping point? - wet line dry line dental suction
allow to dry before criticism
How do I get rid of a line in my paint. Wet paint over dried paintcausing a dark line at the overlaping point? - wet line dry line dental suction
allow to dry before criticism
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You have to sand when it all dried and then cover with a primer, the specific area prior to the coating.
I assume that using a roller. Call toll-free vacation. Caused by excessive pressure on the roll or turn the handle too much to move up or down. This pushes the edge of the paint roller, and thus create a thicker line of color on a ridge. Try to use less pressure on the roller. If you have a small laminated zone, begin again at the top and get the color a little, before re-wetting of the roller is, it will help to clean the lines. Try to paint, lines on the new sand, or very little. Good luck
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