Wednesday, February 17, 2010

English Bulldogs Pneumonia English Bulldog Puppies Suspected Of Pneumonia.....?

English Bulldog puppies suspected of Pneumonia.....? - english bulldogs pneumonia

I think our two killers could have the appearance of pneumonia. The reason is that a swimmer "young and pneumonia is very common in them. There are so alive and happy as never before. I took the temperature of the swimmers' and has been 100, 7, normal. They have a bit of a runny nose, and only seem more tired and less alive. My question is, how injections of penicillin in a file. pinicillin G is very common and provide safe, I take no risk. Cough today. They are int he married us, but it was a bit cold here today. Tomorrow we go to the vet, so the least we can usually call by phone, but I prefer to initiate antibiotic treatment now rather than wait another day. IfDo you have suggestions how to use penicillin, and what I can do, please reply. I do not need the lecture or a lesson on the increase of Ethics. No, I'm not my sterilization of breeding females, and yes, I use the vet!


ESPERANZ... said...

Sometimes puppies can be a reaction to penicillin, if previously given. I just want to keep babies warm, and his mother at night and let the vet check tomorrow.

rblanken... said...

I do not know how. Veterinarian dose. 24 hours with a # you calling? If yes, give me a call and ask. hate you for your Bulldog od b / c someone did you wrong information .. can perhaps anouther breeders in your area tell you that. I hope you feel better soon. : (

ξBindi§ said...

The height of the spring is on the weight. But tomorrow will be the vet anyway to keep warm, hydrated and maintain.

Redawg J said...

Do not give dogs until your vet! Your dog can not catch a cold or pneumonia in a person ... That's impossible! Keep dogs warm and dry with her mother. Do NOT add any type of puppy or penicillin kill you man!

Well ... Thanks for the information on drugs ... You outta scare the Crap!

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